
Team Author: Ash Beardsall

How to export Universal Analytics data and be ready for July 2024!

You may have recently received an email about Universal Analytics from Google, but what does it mean? Do you need to take any action? Didn’t we sort all this UA/GA4 already a while ago? Alas, there’s a bit more to do – so read on for our guide to sorting it out.

Google Ad Grants for Charities & Nonprofits: How can I get Google Ads for free?

Google Ad Grants are available for charities and nonprofits – offering them funding for digital advertising that they may be otherwise unable to afford. These grants enable you to raise the profile of your organisation, increase your donation revenue, attract volunteers, and much more!

Should you pause your Google Ads over Christmas?

Every year clients ask us whether they should turn off their paid ads over the Christmas period. It’s not an easy yes or no answer – it depends on your setup and your audience.

Google Ads Tips and Tricks

Want to know how to make the most out of your Google Ad Campaigns? Whether you’re a seasoned marketer looking to fine-tune your Google Ads strategy or a newcomer eager to harness the full potential of the Google Ads platform – you’ve come to the right place.

Google Analytics 4 is coming – here’s what’s changing and why it matters

Google Universal Analytics (GA3) is ending from July 2023, so you’ve got a year to get up to scratch with Google Analytics 4. The new system is geared more towards user engagement and cross-device tracking, so the data model is totally different.

Splitpixel are a Google Partner Agency

We’re proud to announce that we’ve picked up a few certifications from Google that show our search expertise.